tala faʻasolopito | critique et poésie | poetry and criticism
Vue de l’installation afiafi (2023) dans l’exposition The National 4: Australian Art Now commissariée par Jane Devery au Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney | Installation view of afiafi (2023) from the exhibition The National 4: Australian Art Now curated by Jane Devery at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. Photo: Jenni Carter
Punāʻoa o ʻupu mai ʻo atumotu / Glossaire des archipels (2019/2022), vue de l'exposition Au fil des îles, archipels, commissariée par Analays Álvarez Hernández et Raquel Cruz Crespo, Galerie de l'Université de Montréal 2022 (photo courtoisie de Guy LHeureux et de la Galerie de l'Université de Montréal)
Indigenous Aesthetics and Knowledges for Great Ocean Renaissances, Common Room Editions, Melbourne, May 2023
The Clam’s Kiss | Sogi a le faisua, Dr. Léuli Eshrāghi and Peta Rake (eds.), University of Queensland Art Museum: Brisbane, May-December 2022
D’horizons et d’estuaires: entre mémoires et créations autochtones, Camille Larivée et Léuli Eshrāghi (réd.), Indigenous Curatorial Collective / Collectif des commissaires autochtones et Somme toute: Montréal, Décembre 2020
Artlink INDIGENOUS 40.2, Kin Constellations: Languages Waters Futures, Dr. Léuli Eshrāghi and Kimberley Moulton (guest eds.), Artlink: Adelaide, June 2020
Transits & Returns, Tarah Hogue, Sarah Biscarra Dilley, Freja Carmichael, Dr. Léuli Eshrāghi, Lana Lopesi (eds.), Vancouver Art Gallery: Vancouver, Institute of Modern Art: Brisbane, September 2019
Fetū glisten in the night sky, Gropius Bau Journal, July 2023
Mon pays n’existe pas / Je me souviens / Mo ʻoe i le fale mataʻaga a māfaufauga papālagi / Tracer gang gang gang / Tanem toktok ia/Traduction/Fa‘aliliuga, Anne-Marie Trépanier et Laure Bourgault (co-direction | co-editors), Revue Cigale | Cigale Journal, numéro 3: Souverainetés | Issue 3: Sovereignties, janvier | January 2022, pp. 94-123
I changed my name to honour my Samoan ancestors, Straight Up Islander series, edited by Winnie Dunn, SBS Voices and Sweatshop Movement Inc, 11 October 2021
tagatavāsā, in cmagazine 136: Site/ation, Tania Willard and Peter Morin (guest eds.), C Visual Arts Foundation: Toronto, January 2018 pp. 59-60
Singing across Te Tai o Rehua: a response, in ST PAUL St Gallery - 2015 Curatorial Symposium Papers, Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makaurau AUT University: Auckland, March 2016, pp. 58-59
Une sculpture en néons de Joi T. Arcand met en lumière la pluralité linguistique, co-écrit avec Iris Amizlev, Webzine M, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal: Montréal, décembre 2023
Tuna drip feeds criticality to ʻIna-moe-Aitu, who we all are today, in Marinade: Aotearoa Journal of Moana Art 02: International, Marinade: Auckland, April 2023
Situating Great Ocean Art in Canadian Museums (republished), Sāmoan Art Museum-Performance (republished), in Powerhouse-galang 01, Powerhouse Museum: Sydney, April 2022
Excerpts in Whitechapel Documents in Contemporary Art: Oceans, MIT Press, Cambridge + London, May 2023
Rimming Islands: Faʻafafine-Faʻatane Pleasure and Decoloniality, in Sex Ecologies, Stephanie Hessler (ed.), MIT Press: Cambridge, November 2021
Situating Great Ocean Art in Canadian Museums, in Momus, 29 October 2021
Privilégier le plaisir autochtone / Priority to Indigenous pleasures (revised), in Quand la nature ressent / Sensing Nature: MOMENTA Biennale de l’image, Stefanie Hessler, Himali Singh Soin, Camille Georgeson-Usher, Maude Johnson (eds.), Kerber and MOMENTA: Berlin and Montréal, September 2021
Calling war(m)wards, Value For Money, GUTS Dance: Alice Springs, July 2021
Brook Garru Andrew: Paradise 2 (Orange) 2011, in Queer Readings of the Collection, Monash University Museum of Art: Melbourne, June 2021
Tanem toktok ia | Traduction | Faʻaliliuga, in what about support and what about struggle, Corina Oprea + Jennifer Hayashida (eds.), L’Internationale Online: Gothenburg, May 2021
Making worlds by verse and touch, in 2020 Global Asia/Pacific Art Exchange Aotearoa: Ngā Tai o te Ao: the global tides, Alexandra Chang, Charlotte Huddleston and Janine Randerson (eds.), ST PAUL St Publishing, AUT University and Asian/Pacific/American Institute, New York University: Auckland and New York, March 2021, pp. 119-123
Indigenous artist-curator relationships in the militourist present, in Versopolis Review, Nataša Petrešin Bachelez (ed.), Versopolis Review/Beletrina: Ljubljana, December 2020
Charting Our Futures: Interview with Josh Tengan, Kimberley Moulton, Ioana Gordon Smith, in Becoming Our Future: Global Indigenous Curatorial Practice, Dr. Julie Nagam, Carly Lane, Megan Tamati-Quennell (eds.), ARP Books: Winnipeg, June 2020
Indigenous artist-curator relationships in the militourist present, in 4A Papers: Wansolwara, Susan Acret (ed.), 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art: Sydney, May 2020
Privilégier le plaisir autochtone / Priority to Indigenous pleasures, in NIRIN NGAAY, Jessyca Hutchens, Brook Andrew, Stuart Geddes + Trent Walter (eds.), Biennale of Sydney, March 2020, pp. U1-10
MĀTAU ʻO TAUTUANAGA O FAʻĀLIGA ATA MO O TĀTOU LUMANAʻI Considering the Service of Displays for our Futures, in Sovereign Words: Indigenous Art, Curation and Criticism, Katya García-Antón (ed.), Valiz and Office of Contemporary Art Norway: Amsterdam and Oslo, December 2018, pp. 239-258
Curating under pressure in settler colonies, in Discipline: Issue No. 4.5, TarraWarra Biennial 2016: Endless Circulation, Helen Hughes (ed.), Discipline: Melbourne, October 2017, pp. 70-90
On First Nations agency in our European-based cultural institutions, in Artlink Big Ideas: 36.1, Eve Sullivan (ed.), Artlink: Adelaide, March 2016
Moananui Curatorial Resurgence, in ST PAUL St Gallery - 2015 Curatorial Symposium Papers, Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makaurau AUT University: Auckland, March 2016, pp. 31-40
Who are we beyond imperfect, imposed 'Asia'?, in Peril Magazine: Edition 21 - Marginasia, Peril: Melbourne, September 2015
On forgetting Aboriginal art, in Overland Journal, Overland: Melbourne, July 2015
We are born of the fanua: Moananui arts practice in Australia, in Artlink INDIGENOUS 35.2, Global, Daniel Browning (guest ed.), Artlink: Adelaide, June 2015, pp. 60-65
Socially engaged art practice in Oceania with Torika Bolatagici, in Open Engagement, Open Engagement: New York, March 2015
Arriving in ANZ, in #500words - on arts and culture, March 2015
Trueno tropical / Faititili a motu / Tropical thunder with Lucreccia Quintanilla, in Writing From Below Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, La Trobe University: Melbourne, December 2013, pp. 91-100
Léuli Eshrāghi, Sarah Biscarra Dilley, Tarah Hogue, Lana Lopesi & Freja Carmichael (2023) Review, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, Volume 23, Issue 2: Te Ko Te Moananui-a-Kiwa te wahi whakarahi, The Pacific Ocean Joins Us All, edited by Ngarino Ellis and Heather Igloliorte, 166-173, DOI: 10.1080/14434318.2023.2288018
Léuli Eshrāghi (2023). Hawaiʻi Triennial 2022: Pacific Century—E Hoʻomau no Moananuiākea. Curated by Michelle Chiu, Miwako Tezuka, and Drew Kahuʻāina Broderick, Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas, 7(3), 343-348. https://doi.org/10.1163/23523085-20221282
Paradise Lost: Thomas Griffiths Wainewright / Herself, Memo Review, Melbourne, October 2021
Crafting Aotearoa: A Cultural History of Making in New Zealand and the Wider Moana Oceania, The Journal of Modern Craft, 14:2, 203-206, DOI:10.1080/17496772.2021.1961371, 23 September 2021
Bien après ou la suite des colonies, in Couleurs primaires, Initiative Couleurs primaires: Victoria, juin 2019
Faʻamālamalama mo tātou uma: 9th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (2018), in un Magazine, un Projects: Melbourne, December 2018
Witnessing: Review of Where We Stand (2018) and Kanohi ki te kanohi (2017), in un Magazine, un Projects: Melbourne, June 2018
‘o ogānu‘u tupu: sovereign territories, in 4A Papers, Pedro de Almeida (ed.), 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art: Sydney, May 2017
He mau mana‘o no ko Honolulu Hō‘ike‘ike Hana No‘eau o nā Lua Makahiki: Thoughts on the Honolulu Biennial, in The Pantograph Punch, Pantograph: Auckland, May 2017
Welina mai ke aupuni o Hawai‘i: Greetings from the Hawaiian Kingdom, in Art Monthly Australasia: 298, ANU: Canberra, May 2017, pp. 20-23
All our relations - Art from Moananui a Kiwa at the NGV, in Art Monthly Australasia: 292, ANU: Canberra, September 2016, pp. 49-51
Remembering the Future: Who are we really serving? with Bridget Reweti, in Canadian Art - Collaboration, Summer 2016 Issue, June-September 2016, pp. 108-112
Christy Choi, “A Montreal Museum Reckons With Its Legacy, and Uplifts Inuit Artists,” The New York Times, September 24, 2024
Sébastien Magro, “Territoires autochtones : le rôle des musées”, Le Quotidien de l’Art, 13 septembre 2024
Jackie Bailey, “Celebrating 30 years of Varuna”, ArtsHub, 19 March 2021
Jade Boivin, “Recensions de livres”, Vie des Arts, n°261 – Hiver 2021, janvier 2021
Léa Harvey, “Panorama: lu, vu et entendu cette semaine”, Le Soleil, 19 décembre 2020
Caroline Montpetit, “Le Centre d’art daphne pour bâtir des ponts”, Le Devoir, 30 décembre 2020